Sunday, October 11, 2020

Beating Candida and Parasites on an Alkaline Diet

The best luck I've had fighting parasites, personally, is with an herb called mimosa pudica seed. This herb has helped me expel many parasites from my body. For my opinions on beating parasites naturally, CLICK HERE
  • What is the Alkaline Diet? "Most fruits and vegetables, soybeans and tofu, and some nuts, seeds, and legumes are alkaline-promoting foods, so they're fair game. Dairy, eggs, meat, most grains, and processed foods, like canned and packaged snacks and convenience foods, fall on the acid side and are not allowed. Most books that tout the alkaline diet say you shouldn't have alcohol or caffeine, either" (Link)
  • "The good news is that by following the pH diet you can restore the balance to your body. Since parasites can’t live in an environment that is between 7.2 and 7.4 pH, alkalizing your diet will help remove them from your system. When you follow this diet you will be able to reverse the acidification process and make your body an inhospitable place for parasites" (Link).
  • "The most effective way to rid yourself of parasites and an overgrowth is by creating an internal environment that is not a friendly host for them. The more alkaline you can be, the less you are a host. Thus why people are successful with the Alkalizing Cleanse approach. The 80/10/10 diet, if followed raw or almost entirely raw, will help you achieve that. Cooked foods, animal foods, and processed foods are actually digested as acidic, which is a perfect host for the parasites you are trying to get rid of. Removing those foods will kill them slowly" (Link).

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