Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What's the difference between a bar and a restaurant?

As a musician, I am often asked to perform at bars and restaurants. Though I have often performed at bars, I personally usually prefer performing at restaurants. Restaurants usually are a bit quieter and geared towards my style of music. However, most restaurants sell alcohol these days, so I've sometimes felt that the line between bars and restaurants is blurred.

I've found that there is one easy way to tell the difference between bars and restaurants. Kids are welcomed and are usually present at restaurants, even restaurants that might happen to sell alcohol, because the focus is not on the alcohol. At bars, however, kids are not usually welcome, and seeing a kid at a bar is very rare.

Secondly, taking look at the menu can help you know whether you're in a bar or a restaurant. If the drink menu is larger than the food menu, you're likely in a bar. However, if the food menu is larger than the drink menu, you're likely in a restaurant.

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